Dekeyser’s Nectar Bat (Lonchophylla dekeyseri)

The Dekeyser’s Nectar Bat is endemic to Brazil. It is considered to be a vulnerable species.

The Dekeyser’s Nectar Bat inhabits caves in dry forests. It has been noted that they remain in the same cave for periods of up to one year. These nocturnal animals emerge from their cave dwellings soon after dusk and return to their cave just before dawn during the rainy season.

The bat feeds on insects, seeds, pollen, nectar, and other such food sources. Very little is known about this particular species.

Pollination Benefits

Nectar bats are one of the most beneficial species in regard to pollination. They are active throughout the year pollinating flowers and fruit trees. For instance, they’ve been known to pollinate jambosal flower, which is prized for their sweet smell. In some areas, they’re even used to pollinate crops such as strawberries, apples, and pears.

Like other small animals, nectar bats need suitable housing and care. Make sure that their living quarters are large enough to allow them to move around freely. In addition, provide them with enough food and clean water so that they remain healthy.

Predators And Parasites

Even though nectar bats are quite small, they still managed to frighten off some of the larger animals. For instance, owls have been known to catch nectar bats and swallow them whole. However, these mammals are hardy and can live in captivity for extended periods of time. For this reason, they’re often overlooked as pets by people who aren’t keen on small animals or haven’t had much experience with them.

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In some areas, nectar bats are also preyed upon by snakes and large birds such as owls. However, these animals don’t pose a serious threat to them. Some studies show that nectar bats are more susceptible to parasites and viral infections than other small animals. For this reason, doctors and scientists often shy away from treating or studying them.

Friend To Fowl

Most people who own fowl have had experience with them and know how intelligent and affectionate they can be. This makes it easy for them to relate to the animal-friendly traits of nectar bats. Many individuals have expressed an interest in adopting a nectar bat simply because they remind them of a friendly chicken or duck. Some even think that they smell like chocolate!

Even though they are small and taste delicious, nectar bats are actually quite foul-smelling. This is because they spend most of their time in their enclosures performing a variety of essential functions. One study noted that their body odour can be best described as “disgusting”.

How Do I Adopt A Nectar Bat?

If you’re interested in adopting a nectar bat, the best way to go about it is to contact an organization that specializes in rescuing animals and finding homes for them. Your local animal shelter or wildlife rehabilitation center can put you in touch with reputable sources that offer these services.

In addition to making sure that the nectar bats are healthy and adjust well to their new living environment, you should also take the time to socialize them. This means getting to know them and treating them like individuals instead of animals.

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Through repetition and association, you can teach a nectar bat to trust you and to recognize your voice. In addition, you can help them develop social skills by engaging with them regularly through positive reinforcement.

Make sure that they have plenty of space to roam about and that their living quarters are large enough to prevent them from feeling cramped or overwhelmed. Provide them with a bed, food and water so that they remain healthy and active.

In the wild, nectar bats are known to live for around 10 years, so you’ll have plenty of time to enjoy their company. Just make sure that you don’t let them get too comfortable in captivity, as they can quickly become lethargic and unresponsive.

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