Long-haired Spider Monkey (Ateles belzebuth)

Long-haired Spider MonkeyThe Long-haired Spider Monkey was first reported by E. Geoffroy in 1806. It inhabits Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. This particular species is currently (2003) listed as vulnerable. It is also known as the White-bellied Spider Monkey.

They have a black or dark brown dorsal area, and their underside can range in colour from white to a golden-brown. They have a prehensile tail, and use this as a fifth arm or leg. They will often pick up objects with their tails.

They feed on fruits, seeds and plant matter.

They are social animals, living in groups of up to forty or more. If the population is less dense, they will also wander solitarily. These groups have a hierarchy, consisting of sub-groups. Sub-groups are often single-sex groups, with female sub-groups being almost always larger than male sub-groups.

Another amazing part of this particular monkey’s behaviour is their treatment of foreign beings. If a human observer is near the monkey, they will quite often break off branches weighing up to 5 kilograms and drop them onto the observer!

They have a distinct vocal call which has been likened to the sound of a terrier dog.

They breed year-round, and have a gestation period of around 7 months.

They are from the Atelidae (or known as Atelid’s) family of monkeys. This family of monkeys also encompasses howler monkeys, spider monkeys and the woolly monkeys.

There has been little research carried out into this particular species of monkey.

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