Ancient Art: Evidence of Aliens?
Table of Contents
The creation of our universe and the history of human evolution has puzzled us for centuries and centuries. Science failed to answer all burning questions but myth, art and human imagination try to offer us explanations that sometimes can be, if not completely true, then at least eerily plausible.
#1 The Lolladoff plate
The Lolladoff plate is among the most strangest and UFO- resembling artifacts of ancient art
The Lolladoff plate dates back to 7 000 BC. It was discovered in Nepal by a Polish Professor Sergei Lolladoff. The story behind its discovery is just as amazing as its art. It is the end of World War II and Professor Lolladoff purchases this odd Tibetan or Nepalese disc at a station in Mussoorie, India. Possibly, it was made by the Dzopa people who inhabited the region. He shows the disc to an Oxford Professor of ethnology, Robin-Evans, who decides to organize an expedition to Tibet in 1947. He was even received by the fourteenth Dalai-Lama. He then befriended the local people and learned their language. All of this helped him to piece together a story behind the disc.
Possibly, it was made by the Dzopa people who inhabited the region. He shows the disc to an Oxford Professor of ethnology, Robin-Evans, who decides to organize an expedition to Tibet in 1947. He was even received by the fourteenth Dalai-Lama. He then befriended the local people and learned their language. All of this helped him to piece together a story behind the disc.
The interviewed religious leader, Lurgan-La, namely claimed that the Dzopa crashed in Tibet in 1014 CE after a long exploratory visit lasting as many as 20,000 years. They originally came from a planet in the Sirius star system and were unable to return home.
The disc is made of stone with an engraved spiral arm in a clockwise direction. A typical ‘flying saucer’? But wait, there is more. Near its center there is a thin humanoid character with a large bald head. A ‘grey’ little alien we all know from popular culture? Surrounding him are a bearded dragon, a spider-like monster and many strange symbols. An amazing and unnervingly accurate depiction of what we today imagine as UFOs – wouldn’t you agree?
#2 Rock Drawings in Val Camonica
These amazing petroglyphs originated circa 10 000 BC. First they were described in 1909 by a Brescian geographer Walter Laeng. Some of the paintings show humanoid figures dressed in protective suits and holding strange objects. Could this be another depiction of UFO in ancient art? Here’s another oddity. This site in Italy holds one of the largest collections of prehistoric petroglyphs in the world, or more precisely, 250 000 rock paintings. Was the Camunni tribe the only author behind this amazing art, or someone else? The drawings range thematically from cosmology, rituals, and figurative symbols to some strange depictions which don’t seem to have an underlying logic. Or is it that we can’t decipher their meaning? The Italian Alps may be hiding a greater secret than previously thought.

Here’s another oddity. This site in Italy holds one of the largest collections of prehistoric petroglyphs in the world, or more precisely, 250 000 rock paintings. Was the Camunni tribe the only author behind this amazing art, or someone else? The drawings range thematically from cosmology, rituals, and figurative symbols to some strange depictions which don’t seem to have an underlying logic. Or is it that we can’t decipher their meaning? The Italian Alps may be hiding a greater secret than previously thought.
#3 Kayapo, the Scythian artifact
This artifact dates back to 700 BC. It was discovered in the frosty tombs in Altai region where Russia borders China. Some archaeologists argue it belongs to the tradition of Sythian people. But Scythians enjoy a very bad reputation. Herodotus, the Greek historian, and Strabo, the Greek geographer, both agreed in their description of the tribe as being cruel, bloodthirsty warriors. One especially gory anecdote says just how savage the

Herodotus, the Greek historian, and Strabo, the Greek geographer, both agreed in their description of the tribe as being cruel, bloodthirsty warriors. One especially gory anecdote says just how savage the Scythians were. They would kill their enemies and drink human blood from the victim’s skull. How is it even possible then that primitive Sythians left such an odd artifact? If you look closer it resembles more what we today recognize as an astronaut. No wonder. Ancient astronaut theory purports that aliens had visited humans a long long time ago. They also influenced the progress of technology, religions and overall human history. Everything about them was documented in ancient art. Could Kayapo, the Scythian artifact, be an idol dedicated to those visiting creatures from far away?
If you look closer it resembles more what we today recognize as an astronaut. No wonder. Ancient astronaut theory purports that aliens had visited humans a long long time ago. They also influenced the progress of technology, religions and overall human history. Everything about them was documented in ancient art. Could Kayapo, the Scythian artifact, be an idol dedicated to those visiting creatures from far away?
#4 Tassili n’Ajjer Rock Paintings
A vast area of Sahara desert in South Algeria is home to more than 15 000 rock paintings. Some of them are as old as 12 000 years. The name Tassili n’Ajjer translates to Plateau of Rivers because it was once rich with water and vegetation. This is also evident from some of the paintings. Many describe daily lives of the inhabitants or wild nature and animals. Some other paintings, however, seem to depict ghosts, monsters (aliens?) and once again, ancient astronauts. A round fortified helmet with a visor. Bulging suit. Long gloves and knee-high chubby boots. Is that how the ancients idolized their deities and monsters, or is this yet another proof of the ancient astronauts’ visit and best evidence of UFO existence?

Some other paintings, however, seem to depict ghosts, monsters (aliens?) and once again, ancient astronauts. A round fortified helmet with a visor. Bulging suit. Long gloves and knee-high chubby boots. Is that how the ancients idolized their deities and monsters, or is this yet another proof of the ancient astronauts’ visit and best evidence of UFO existence?
#5 Sego Canyon Cave Paintings
Another possible piece of evidence about star people, or ancient astronauts, sits in Sego Canyon, Utah, USA. These stunning drawings were made by the Anasazi and Fremont Native Americans. They are at least 8 000 years old. Nothing odd so far. But the rock paintings show human figures with exaggerated big or missing eyes, large heads and disproportionate body size. Are these the ancient astronauts which also appeared in Sumerian, Chinese, North and South American myths?

#6 Tomb of Pakal
The tomb of K’inich Janaab’ Pakal, ruler of the Mayan city of Palenque, is among the most important archeological discoveries. Especially if you take into account that during his rule Palenque was the most prosperous and dynamic ancient city. The tomb itself was found in Pyramid of Inscriptions, partly confirming the hypothesis that both ancient Mayas and Egyptians shared the same knowledge of building pyramids. And note, it is believed, the two civilizations never came into direct contact.

The carvings on the lid of the tomb communicate how Pakal’s soul is going back to the stars from where he originally came. To undertake this journey he will use ‘Monster of the Sun’, or what we would today name, a space ship. The position of his body resembles an astronaut who is preparing for a take-off. He even has something like an air-supply attached to his nose. Plus, flames and smoke come out of the rear end of the space rocket. Could this be the first straightforward depiction of UFO in ancient art?
And note, it is believed, the two civilizations never came into direct contact. The carvings on the lid of the tomb communicate how Pakal’s soul is going back to the stars from where he originally came.
To undertake this journey he will use ‘Monster of the Sun’, or what we would today name, a space ship. The position of his body resembles an astronaut who is preparing for a take-off. He even has something like an air-supply attached to his nose. Plus, flames and smoke come out of the rear end of the space rocket. Could this be the first straightforward depiction of UFO in ancient art?
#7 Wandjina petroglyphs
Prehistoric evidence is best saved in the form of rock paintings. Wandjina petroglyphs could be just another instance of such ancient art, or something more. The drawings are a product of primitive tribe tradition in Australia. They portray tall humanoid figures with greyish alien-like eyes, triangular heads and sometimes missing eyes or mouths. The creatures also seem to be wearing a helmet or some kind of a protective suit. Aboriginals believed that the Waddjina were spirits from the dream world and associated with rain, thunder and clouds. As child spirits they can also, in a dream, become babies in women’s bodies. Sounds like something you’ve already seen in your favorite horror/sci-fi movie? It seems that the ancients may have possessed greater knowledge than we do now. Or what do you think?

Aboriginals believed that the Waddjina were spirits from the dream world and associated with rain, thunder and clouds. As child spirits they can also, in a dream, become babies in women’s bodies. Sounds like something you’ve already seen in your favorite horror/sci-fi movie? It seems that the ancients may have possessed greater knowledge than we do now. Or what do you think?