How to make a Sunspot Cootie Catcher

Follow these directions to make a Sunspot Cootie Catcher. When you are finished, read the instructions at the end on how to play.

1. Start with a rectangular sheet of paper. Fold the bottom of the paper to the side of the page, to make a triangle.

2. Then cut off the flap above the triangle.

3. Now open the triangle and you’ll have a square.

4. Fold one corner to the other corner diagonally.

5. Open paper.

6. Fold corners toward center of the paper

7. When all 4 corners are folded, your paper will look like this.

8. Flip your paper over so the folded sides are face down.

9. Again, fold corners toward center diagonally.

10. When all 4 corners are folded, your paper will look like this.

11. On the same side, write the numbers 1 through 8, putting one number in each triangle. Write a question about sunspots below each number.

12. Hold the paper in front of you like a square. Fold it in half vertically and open it back up again.

13. Then fold the square in half horizontally and open it back up again. Make sure that the numbers you’ve written are facing you.

14. Open each flap and write a sunspot answer on each triangle inside. The answer should go with the question you wrote on the other side of the triangle. When your answers are written, close all the flaps.

15. Flip the paper over and color each square with a different color. Or, if you’re really sophisticated, write a Question Category that applies to the questions on the other side of the flap. Sample categories might be Sunspot Effects or Solar Cycles.

16. Flip the paper over again so that the numbers are face up. Fold the square in half, either horizontally or vertically. Slide your thumbs and fingers under the four flaps.

17. Finally, rotate your hands, bringing your thumbs and index fingers together. The cootie catcher should expand. The numbered triangles will disappear inside, like the middle of a flower when the petals close. Then open and play!
Cootiehands.gifTO PLAY: The player chooses a number from 1 to 8. Open and close the cootie catcher that number of times. The player then chooses a number off a flap. Open and close the catcher that number of times. The player then chooses a question, if he/she answers correctly then he/she wins the number of points that of the question. Play for three minutes and then partner becomes the player. High points captures cootie!