Why Do Hurricanes Happen?

Because they are so powerful, it’s important that you know the facts about hurricanes. Although there’s nothing we can do to prevent their coming, knowing basic information helps in keeping people safe.

Formation of Hurricanes

They are formed around the equator, specifically in the north and south zones. These areas are filled with warm water. Under normal circumstances, they’ll form thunderstorms. Under certain conditions, these storms get very large and spin. This movement adds to its strength.

At 40 miles per hour, it’s classified as a tropical storm. At this point, this thunderstorm could move towards land. As it does it picks up speed. It may carry strong winds and rain. Based on current facts about hurricanes, a storm will only be classified as such if it goes up to 75 mph.

Hurricane Characteristics

These formations could be hundreds of miles across. At its corners will be the rain showers. The eye is at the center of these clouds. Their size varies, with some less than 6 miles and others over 100 miles in diameter. This area is usually clear and when passing through the eye, the winds and rain may stop temporarily.

Effects of Hurricanes

Although the eye is calm, the water around it goes up. The results are the storm surges. Adding to this are winds and together they can create massive waves across the seas. The sea level will also go up.

You may have noticed that as it heads up to land, the speed and winds go up. The facts about hurricanes have established that water gives it power. When it makes landfall, it loses much of its energy. But even then it can cause great destruction. The constant rainfall can cause flooding. Strong winds can topple billboards and rooftops. Storms over 150 mph can destroy houses and buildings.

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At the Atlantic, the peak season runs from June 1 to November 30. The greatest numbers come out around early August up to early October. In other parts of the world, they are called typhoons or cyclones.

Hurricane Safety Tips

Unlike earthquakes, it’s become possible to detect these weather formations while they’re still forming. It gives people time to prepare. Here are some safety facts about hurricanes.

If local officials ask you to evacuate the area, you should do so. Refusing to leave can have disastrous consequences. If there’s no need to leave your home, you should still prepare. You can start by boarding the windows. Turn off all electrical appliances. If you don’t the storm might suddenly knock out the power, damaging the wiring. It might even cause a fire.

Days before the storm comes, stock up on batteries for flashlights and radio. Use the radio to monitor the storm’s direction. Have plenty of canned food, water, and medicines.

After the storm has passed, there will be debris all around. Avoid stepping on electrical wires or sharp objects. Stay away from flooded areas. If you have insurance, taking some snapshots of the damage will help.

More facts about hurricanes have been established compared with other disasters. Use the information available to keep yourself secure and out of harm’s way.

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